Wednesday, February 9, 2011


                                It is so hard to believe that somewhere underneath all of this
                                Midwestern snow,  lies my perennials ready to awake......

Pots ready to be created..............

GRACIE'S GARDEN  that will await these Impatiens

The snow has been non-stop for the past few weeks and the breaks have been
few.  But when I look at the photos of my garden, I am reminded to KEEP THE
FAITH................Spring is only about 6 weeks away.

I am off to Houston, weather in the low 60's to work on a design job.  I will be back in
5 days.

STAY WARM................


Vintage Gal said...

I hope you have fun in Houston. ~ sigh ~ 60's sound really good right now ~ we're 16 below. Spring will be here soon ~ you can count on it ;-)

Anonymous said...

The trip to Houston sounds lovely. We are to have 60's next week and have a day trip planned.